
3 Modest Clothing Must-haves

So you’ve been wanting to start a “modest” wardrobe….or perhaps you already have one and just want to know some basics. Modesty is such a subjective term and everyone has their own ideas about what is “modest” and what is not. This isn’t a blog post trying to tell you that you can’t show skin or whatever, instead I focus on general overall basics that I think anybody from Mormon to Atheist to Muslim can add to their modest styles. These are my top three must-have modest items, to pair with other clothing and accessories. They are basics because you don’t need to change them up to every season unless you have the winter versions of them. The non-heavy versions are just as versatile in the cold weather. These items help you build a wider range wardrobe, especially if you live in areas that don’t sell maxi-tunics or maxi-skirts or they sell a slit up every dress.


1. Leggings

Photo by Paula May on Unsplash

              Leggings are the best invention of humankind…that’s right I said it. You might be shocked to see leggings as one of my modest wardrobes must-haves. Now hear me out, now. Leggings are perfect to go under skirts, dresses, or maxi tunics, so that way your legs are covered regardless of the length of the skirt, dress or tunic. I live in a state where it is always windy, the problem with the wind is that it doesn’t like skirts or dresses, no matter what the lengths. No one likes to Marilyn Monroe every second of the day, especially if you personally don’t want people to see your non-shaved legs, thighs, or even your undies. Plain leggings are perfect to keep your skin covered on windy and non-windy days. If you are one of those modest wearers who doesn’t like to show any skin because of whatever reason but still want to wear cute skirts that go to mid-calf or ankle, then this is a perfect option for you.

              I for one prefer leggings because it prevents….chub rub. Don’t know what chub rub is? Its when the thighs rub together creating friction and can make the skin raw and even tear the skin open. So leggings underneath your loose clothing does help against chub rub. They also allow you to sit in “unlady” like positions without the fear of flashing everyone around you; again prevents any skin you don’t want to be seen from being seen.

2. Cardigans

You should have a closet full of slips, cardigans, and kimonos if you’re a modest wearer. The fun thing about these are that they can be very heavy and warm to very thin and airy. Your cover should pair well with the season and you don’t need 80 of them unless you are like me and just love them. They are a must-have because if you have a tank top, short sleeve or any top that you find too short, it covers your arms, shoulders, and back perfectly. It can also add pizazz to your modest wardrobe. So let’s say you are niqabi and you only wear long loose dresses but you want something that is modern but isn’t form-fitting, and fashionable but at the same time you don’t have the money for a fashion abaya. A loose cardigan or kimono is the perfect option for you because it covers all the basics you need but is affordable. Let’s say you’re a Mormon girl wanting to wear your short sleeve shirt, but you don’t feel comfortable with your arms showing (for whatever reason), a cover helps you cover your arms but comes in so many styles and designs that you won’t feel like an old maid. 

These are must-have because if you keep a staple of simple clothing such as jeans, skirts, or plain t-shirts, you amp up your wardrobe with a cover. They are also more affordable than an abaya, at least where I live and I don’t have to worry looking frumpy.

3. Turtle necks

Okay, what I am about to say is fighting words but….turtlenecks are awesome and should be in everyone’s wardrobes.  Some people hate…hate…hate…turtlenecks, often claiming that when they wear them they feel choked by the collar. I, on the other hand, get choked by crew neck cuts, sooooo just saying. A turtle neck needs to be able to be large enough to fit over your head and you might actually need to go up a size. Most turtlenecks are form-fitting and are now stretchy as not to choke people. What I love about form-fitting turtle necks is that I can wear them under anything. It’s just a good basic item to have in your closet and wear under tops that you find too revealing. If you’re a hijabi that wants to wear a turban but not show much of your neck, turtle necks are your way to do so. You can wear them under low cut tops or plainly. I love to pair them with skirts and a cardigan, to give it a chic look. I recommend these as staples for people are don’t like t-shirts but still want an undershirt that can also be an overshirt.