#Woke Feminism

Muslim Representation

The issue is, as always, the face veil is used in various ways but one. It isn’t shown as a normal outfit, something that someone like me would wear on a daily basis. Comical representation is okay with the veil as long as it is done right, like in Kim’s Convivence. The best thing I can say is that soft islamophobia is still islamophobia.

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Fascism and Trump: Are We Living in a Fascist Nation?

Fascism what is it? Under some Western nation’s politics today the word fascism is thrown around whenever a politician does something someone does not like. Fascism is a form of authoritarian and ultra-nationalistic ideology characterized by dictatorship, forcible suppression of individuals, and a strong regimentation of society and economy.

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#Woke Feminism Spirituality

Response to Amaliah Anonymous, “12 things I can’t reconcile about Islam as a Muslim woman”

              So, I ran across a particular post written by anonymous on Amaliah.com. The Questions were actually very generic ones that women have asked themselves over and over again. It was responded to by someone who had more…strict religious beliefs but I think responded in a wonderful way. I, however, wanted to answer the questions …

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The Other

According to Saeed A. Khan’s paper titled ‘Race’ and Difference: Orientalism and Western Concepts, ‘the Other’ is defined in Western discourse as “different, inferior and worthy of subjection to colonialism, while simultaneously praising aspects of the exotic, the erotic and primitive.” The original theory of the Other was coined as something that all humans inherently …

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